Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easy refrigerator pickles, for the pickle lover in your life

I know I'm not the only person in the world who loves a good pickle.

But I am one of the pickier pickle eaters out there.

I detest most store-bought pickles. (What is appealing about eating a florescent yellow/green pickle?!)

Not keen on sour pickles. Or sickly sweet pickles. Or whole pickles. Or pickles with too many seeds.

You see how I can easily make my family nuts at picnics, yes?

However, I ADORE homemade pickles. My grandmother makes a mean bread and butter pickle, and I tend to hoard them whenever I visit her.

This does not please aforementioned family members.

My grandmother's solution (bless her, she's a genius) was for me to make my own pickles.

I've never canned anything before, and I am not quite ready to undertake THAT project. She wisely suggested trying refrigerator pickles.

Essentially, these are pickles designed to be eaten quickly after they're made, instead of canned pickles that can be on the shelf for awhile.

I threw caution to the wind: for my first refrigerated pickle attempt,I made up my own recipe.

I know. I'm crazy.

But the crazy is tasty. Very tasty.

 Sweet & Spicy Dill Refrigerator Pickles

This makes a small amount of pickles. Double, triple, etc. to suit your needs.

Wash and slice 1 large cucumber thinly.
Dice 4 garlic cloves.
Layer the cucumbers into clean glass jars (I recommend you sterilize them with boiling water beforehand), sprinkling garlic pieces in as you go.

In a saucepan, heat 1 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp. dried dill, 1/4 tsp. onion flakes, 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes. Heat until sugar dissolves. Let cool.

Pour mixture over cucumbers.

Keep pouring.

Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 day before eating. These can last bacteria-free for awhile in refrigerator (thanks to the acidity), but they will get mushy if left for too long.

I highly doubt they'll last more than a week, anyways. They're SO DELICIOUS.

Enjoy! xo

This recipe was posted to the following link parties (go check them out! They're great!)

Homemade Mondays

Skip To My Lou

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